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Our company

We are a family business specializing in the design of board games

for young and old. 

Although our first board game

(M. Gourmand) is aimed at children,

we are also working on strategy

games for adults.
Stay tuned for our new products!

Our goal

We love board games and our passion is to create games that are both fun and strategic.

We are committed to designing original and quality games for young and old.


Our story

As strategy game enthusiasts, we have had game ideas in mind for years. However, working full time, we had little time to develop and test our ideas. 

The pandemic has given us this time. 

We developed two games, the first of which,  M. Gourmand, is now available! 

We chose the theme of cooking because we find it both fun and educational.

A second game, for adults, will be

coming soon!

Our collaborators

Many valuable collaborators participated in the creation of our first game. 

Their talent and creativity have greatly contributed to our success and we thank them wholeheartedly.

The illustrations for M. Gourmand were made by Laura Vandal and the graphic design by Blanc Crème. We also thank our friends who helped us at various stages in the creation process.

Copyright 2021 - Les Jeux Jamuz inc.
All rights reserved. All the content of this site is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Les Jeux Jamuz inc.
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